
Foxboro, Massachusetts

Go Pats!  Susie on a Stick is in Gillette Stadium – WOW!

Personally, I’ve been to Gilette only in the off-season for a few press junkets. Never tailgated, never chugged a beer during halftime and never, ever watched a live game.  But thanks to my sweetie-pie dad, my brother in-law and my nephew (not to mention a horde of other Rileys loyal to the Patriots Cause, Susie on a Stick did!

And the Pats WON!  A kickass game in fact… great form.  So exciting!!!!

Click the images below for larger versions.  Left photo: Susie tailgating pre-game (with cousin Pat Riley on the lower right corner). Right photo (left to right): nephew Josh, cousin Greg and dad Paul.

Thanks everyone – love you guys! xoxos