
Arlington Heights, Illinois

I love dogs.  I love people who love dogs.  I love when Susie on a Stick is with dogs… dogs of people I love.

I met Lynne Gillis online through mutual friends and instantly fell in love with her wit and heartwarming posts. She’s also stinking adorable, with one of the warmest, sunniest smiles you’ll ever set eyes on. Today, Lynne took Susie on a Stick with her and her canine crew to set right an infected ear.  Ouch!

Lynne writes that Susie “put fear aside and accompanied Ellie and Scout, who were 300X her size, to the vet. Susie admitted that she got a little queezy when the Dr. cleaned out Ellie’s infected ear, but with new meds in hand, Susie is ready to tackle the rest of her Illinois weekend!”

Here is Susie with the amazing Scout and Ellie.  Click on the photos to enlarge.

These are the kinds of adventures I love.  Friends, dogs and happy, healing ears.

Thanks, Lynne!!! xoxos