Guten Tag from Holland! This weekend, Susie travelled with my friend Lynda throughout the streets of Amsterdam for fun and frolic… including the Red Light District. Oh, my! I’d expect nothing other from Lynda… the pics are a hoot!
Category :International
Greece, Monaco, Turkey
WOW! Susie was taken on a wondrous European cruise this month! Lucky bitch…
Last week, Terry – my friend and very favorite aunt – cruised throughout Europe and brought Susie on a Stick along with them via her Kindle. Which actually makes this post Susie on a Kindle…! The photos are from their cabin balcony… aren’t they beautiful!!!
Taiwan, ROC
YAY! Susie’s first appearance in Asia!!
Our friend, Jason Pan, sent these cool pics of Susie in his home city of Taipei. Here she is at Taipei101, a skyscraper in the Xinyi District that was officially the world’s tallest from 2004 until the opening of the Burj Khalifa inDubai in 2010.
Sienna, Italy
Having seen many cathedrals throughout Italy, Ethna writes – of Susie on a Stick in Sienna – that “apparently Susie needs Jesus in her life. Between the churches and the naked men it has been quite a vacation for her.”
Florence, Italy (seconda parte)
Il Duomo… Florence Cathedral. Beautiful!
Ethna writes that the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (English: Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower) is enormous, and the most beautiful and ornate in Italy, in the opinion of Ver-Nard (besides the Vatican and all that, of course.)