
Pisa, Italy

Ethna has titled this photo, Susie’s Europe Tour 2011 Debut. Here’s the message she sent with the photo:

“First of all, hilarious. Second of all, HILARIOUS! Where else but Pisa? This place needs no explanation.”

“As you can see, this is the Europe Tour bootleg version. Not only is our Susie printed in black and white and colored in with pencils, but, as you might have noticed, she is missing a stick!”

“LOL, sorry, we have not been able to get our hands on tape yet. What we have decided/noticed is that this definitely is lending to the hilarity.”

Click HERE for a larger image.

Ethna also writes that she’s also noticed “every time we take out Susie, two things happen: 1) people stop to watch and usually start dying laughing,  and 2) the wind picks up, wayyy up.”  So in several of her photos, Susie appears to be floating.  How glorious!!!

Grazie mille!  Buon viaggio!