Well, I am one happy, happy girl. Last week, Susie went to one of my favorite places in all the world. With some of my favorite peeps! Here’s Susie with sister Priscilla, nephew Josh, brother-in-law Jay, and my Mom and Dad. (more…)
Category :National
Minneapolis, Minnesota
This week, Susie went with a certain someone on an adventure to Minneapolis. Although it was short-lived, an adventure is an adventure… so here she is at the airport, awaiting boarding.
A Trinity of Susies
Never before has this occurred… or at least not that I am aware of. Three Susies in one place at the same time.
My friend, Matt, recently took Susie on a Stick to San Francisco and captured this amazing event at Muir Woods in Mill Valley. Good thing, else I’d never have believed it myself.
San Francisco, California
I have some of the funnest friends EVER. Friends who are willing to print and scissor out silly little silhouettes of me, pack them up and fly them all over the world, then hold them up in public for a photo while simultaneously subjecting themselves to peculiar stares and snickers. (more…)
Oxford, Massachusetts
Yesterday, my cousin/friend, Jim, decided that grocery shopping was boring business… so he livened things up by taking Susie on a Stick along for the company to his local store in Oxford.
Washington D.C.
If you are a regular follower of Susie on a Stick, you’re already familiar with my BFBF* Elizabeth, who willingly and happily takes Susie on a Stick to lots of fun places. Last weekend, Elizabeth and the little boy who lives with her visited our nation’s capital for a weekend road trip – and you can just guess who went along!