Funny, Local

In Person, sans SOAS

Friends often ask me why I don’t bring along Susie on a Stick when I go away… sigh.  Alas, I cannot.  And there is a a very good reason…

I created Susie on a Stick to visit places that I personally cannot, whether for reasons financial, economical or otherwise. But if I were to actually visit somewhere – that is, if Susie the REAL PERSON were somewhere, then SOAS could not appear alongside, as it defeats the purpose – the very reason – for having created her.

Then there’s that whole ‘never in the same place’ rule… you know, the one that makes it impossible for Batman and Bruce Wayne, for Superman and Clark Kent, for Jesus and the Holy Ghost to physically appear together. I am not sure what would happen if I defied that rule with me and SOAS – dogs sleeping with cats, probably.  And I certainly do not want to be responsible for that.

The furthest I shall move toward that rule is by appearing with the official SOAS stick. Here I am doing that, appearing in person at Wells Beach, Maine. Click the image below for a larger version.
